Lao lao mentioned two weeks ago when Ella was sick, Ella said she wanted to go to sleep, so lao lao took her up to bed. Ella laid in bed, lao lao sat by the bed and pet her. Mimi started repeatedly calling lao lao, lao lao from downstairs. Ella said 姥姥,Mimi在叫你呢。你去吧。Lao lao was touched and went downstairs to tend to Mimi.
In the morning Ella asked where we were going today, I asked her to check the calendar. I went to see her staring at the calendar, she said "我要把这个ms haleemah贴上。我们已经去过很多次幼儿园了。" She was pointing to a ms haleemah from January though. I informed her if we sticker over that ms haleemah, we'd sticker a lao lao too. Ella said "但是ms haleemah会冷的。她不喜欢硬邦邦。" It was Mimi who said something like this yesterday, when she wanted to sticker over lao lao, stating it was because lao lao was cold. Ella asked for 花被子, so I got both girls' blankets and put them in the car. I came back to get Ella to the car. She gave me a half eaten cracker, said "你帮我拿着。但是不可以吃哦。" I asked if she'd like it back later, she said she didn't want it back. I took it into my hand. She snatched it back, said "你不可以吃哦。" I asked her to put it into my lunch bag, she did, then we went to the car. Ba ba took Mimi into the car. Both girls were tucked in their blankets. The drive was calm, the girls watched some episodes of peppa and commented. Mimi wanted both hai bao and bad bunny tucked into her blanket, stating they didn't like to be 硬邦邦。 Cold until hands were ying bang bang was a line from the 小狐狸买手套 book.
When we got to daycare, I force carried Ella into the room because she tantrumed about going back to the car. She then cried for "穿两件衣服。" I tried to put the blue hoodie on her, she cried "不要外衣。要我的粉色大衣。" Ba ba went back to the car to get the coats, which we needed to bring to daycare anyways. Ella wanted to put the coat on, then grabbed bunny and hugged it tight, and went to small sniffles. I asked for a happy face and she gave me a tiny happy face poke with her chin tucked into the coat. She then waved me "bye bye mama", "我们下午见。" I almost went out the door. Ms Haleemah praised Ella for saying nice bye bye, upon hearing it Ella cried and ran to me, then cried for "要章鱼橘子小帽帽。" It was their daycare homework for O, I left in the car along with diapers. I got it from the car and came back to daycare. Ms Haleemah was talking to a crying Ella. I gave her the sheets, she calmed down, but started crying again after I got to the walkway.
When good night music sounded, Mimi yelled 要喝奶。Ella yelled 要吃东西。James gave Mimi milk. I showed Ella the fridge and asked what she wanted. She smiled and said happily 要cheezu. The girls sat by the table by our request. As soon as they said down, Mimi started saying 我要cheezu, Ella started saying 我要奶。We ignored them. When I checked again Ella was tearing off cheese and sharing with Mimi.
Ella cried at night. I checked on her, she said 我要看看姥姥。我要摸摸姥姥的黑被被。I said I wanted to pet lao lao's blanket too but I can't disturb her. Ella said 我不想打扰姥姥。我轻轻摸姥姥。She was too cute and I took her to lao lao's room. Luckily lao lao was still awake. Ella pet and kissed lao lao, Mimi came too and kissed lao lao. The girls went down and stayed down.
In the morning Ella asked where we were going today, I asked her to check the calendar. I went to see her staring at the calendar, she said "我要把这个ms haleemah贴上。我们已经去过很多次幼儿园了。" She was pointing to a ms haleemah from January though. I informed her if we sticker over that ms haleemah, we'd sticker a lao lao too. Ella said "但是ms haleemah会冷的。她不喜欢硬邦邦。" It was Mimi who said something like this yesterday, when she wanted to sticker over lao lao, stating it was because lao lao was cold. Ella asked for 花被子, so I got both girls' blankets and put them in the car. I came back to get Ella to the car. She gave me a half eaten cracker, said "你帮我拿着。但是不可以吃哦。" I asked if she'd like it back later, she said she didn't want it back. I took it into my hand. She snatched it back, said "你不可以吃哦。" I asked her to put it into my lunch bag, she did, then we went to the car. Ba ba took Mimi into the car. Both girls were tucked in their blankets. The drive was calm, the girls watched some episodes of peppa and commented. Mimi wanted both hai bao and bad bunny tucked into her blanket, stating they didn't like to be 硬邦邦。 Cold until hands were ying bang bang was a line from the 小狐狸买手套 book.
When we got to daycare, I force carried Ella into the room because she tantrumed about going back to the car. She then cried for "穿两件衣服。" I tried to put the blue hoodie on her, she cried "不要外衣。要我的粉色大衣。" Ba ba went back to the car to get the coats, which we needed to bring to daycare anyways. Ella wanted to put the coat on, then grabbed bunny and hugged it tight, and went to small sniffles. I asked for a happy face and she gave me a tiny happy face poke with her chin tucked into the coat. She then waved me "bye bye mama", "我们下午见。" I almost went out the door. Ms Haleemah praised Ella for saying nice bye bye, upon hearing it Ella cried and ran to me, then cried for "要章鱼橘子小帽帽。" It was their daycare homework for O, I left in the car along with diapers. I got it from the car and came back to daycare. Ms Haleemah was talking to a crying Ella. I gave her the sheets, she calmed down, but started crying again after I got to the walkway.
When good night music sounded, Mimi yelled 要喝奶。Ella yelled 要吃东西。James gave Mimi milk. I showed Ella the fridge and asked what she wanted. She smiled and said happily 要cheezu. The girls sat by the table by our request. As soon as they said down, Mimi started saying 我要cheezu, Ella started saying 我要奶。We ignored them. When I checked again Ella was tearing off cheese and sharing with Mimi.
Ella cried at night. I checked on her, she said 我要看看姥姥。我要摸摸姥姥的黑被被。I said I wanted to pet lao lao's blanket too but I can't disturb her. Ella said 我不想打扰姥姥。我轻轻摸姥姥。She was too cute and I took her to lao lao's room. Luckily lao lao was still awake. Ella pet and kissed lao lao, Mimi came too and kissed lao lao. The girls went down and stayed down.
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