
In the morning I finally crawled up at 8:30. I found a just awoke Mimi with ba ba at the kitchen table, ba ba reported he'd like to take a sick day. I went to the girls room and found a sleeping Ella. I laid by her. We slept, with intermittent wake ups. Ella brushed my face a lot, it was soft and sticky and nice. After some small talk I fell asleep again, then awoke to find Ella looking at me. She said "妈妈我要吃东西。" I asked if we should go downstairs. She sweetly said "好的。" Stood up and waited for me. I got up and we came down, it was a little pass 10:40.

The girls were very energetic after snack/lunch. So I took them to RTC. They were wide awake when we got there. We had a fun time there, with many carousel rides. At the last ride after we ate at crepe. Mimi could not keep her hands on the bar, looked kind of spaced out, but was humming a song. Afterwards they agreed when I said we'll go home to watch some videos. After walking a meter, Ella started crying. I asked her what she wanted, she murmured something I couldn't hear. I thought maybe she wanted another ride, because she was looking at the carousel when she cried, then remembered she wanted me to carry her from the crepe place to the carousel. So I asked if she'd like to be carried, she held her arms up, and I did. Mimi walked nicely behind me. I was out of sight behind a pillar one time, and Mimi loudly yelled "ma\/  maaaa/." When she saw me she ran to me. At the crosswalk to the music place, Mimi said she wanted to go up the stairs by the crossing. I thought it was fine because it was a safe way to cross. She made three steps then asked me to carry her. She agreed to be carried across the street so I carried both girls over. I then took turns carrying the girls all the way to the car. The girls got in nicely, I bet they fell asleep soon after. After I got home I went for a 1.5 hour walk. When I came back Ella was still sleeping. Ba ba said Mimi cried and he took her upstairs. He got Ella and brought to me, Ella cutely snuggled me until we got up to watch some moana clips in chinese. Mimi joined soon after.

It was an uneventful early evening. The girls didn't eat much, demanded honey grahm crackers, didn't finish them, and went to play. Ella opened the container drawer and started playing cooking. Mimi joined cutely, asked what jie jie was cooking, took containers and asked Ella what were in them. Ella did not like it, kept snatching containers from Mimi, and started batting at her with some lids. Mimi dodged and didn't complain. Ba ba took her to play Legos. I went to Ella, she softly said "我们玩儿兔妈妈和兔宝贝吧。" I agreed and played with her. After some time Mimi joined too, and both went to ravage the utensils drawer. The girls wild played with utensils for a while.

I took the 棉婆婆 book from the chair, started reading it. Ella snatched it, said I was not allowed to read it, it was her book. I went to pee. When I came back Ella held my hand, gave me the book. I sat down, she sat on my lap, I started reading. Mimi came and sat on my ankle. We read the story, then the we found a hat book.

After the book I asked if the girls wanted to follow me to the other room to find more books. Ella stood up and looked around, then said she wanted to eat 包包。 I put the yi camera on the 85 box. Ella stood on her tip toes, flapped at the camera, said "他站在包包盒上。ENNNN。包包盒不喜欢nnnn。包包盒会哭的。" I instructed her to stand on the chair and move the camera properly to beside the pumpkin. She crawled on, carefully moved the camera, tried to put it on the pumpkin stem, then carefully put it beside it on the table. She then dragged the wires, noticed it got caught on a box corner, carefully lifted it up and removed the wires to the table. She then opened the box, and picked the spinach bun. She brought it ti me asking to eat, I torn a piece, she bit, didn't like it, and went back to chair. She got the coconut bun and brought to me. I asked if she could help me put back the spinach bun. She said "hmmmm 你把他放回去吧。" I split the bun. Mimi came and I offered her a piece too. They ate and I wiped the table. The girls seemed to get into a fight about pieces, and Mimi started tantruming and asking for ba ba. Ba ba came. Ba ba asked Mimi to go upstairs to bed, Ella started whimpering "我要留在楼下。" I informed her she didn't have to go up, she still had half an hour of play. She seemed ok, went around the room while I cleaned the coconut bun pieces. She then noticed Mimi climbed onto the chair by the 85 box, and started tantruming that Mimi took her chair. I said it was indeed the chair she used to help Mimi and herself get the bun. She then seem to notice I was putting the coconut bun away, and started slapping the bag. I got angry and asked if she didn't want to play with me she could go to bed too. She started kicking me said "不要。" I said then I'll leave. I went to clean up. When I came out, ba ba had given Ella milk and she was staring at it. Mimi saw me and stared at me, Ella then turned around, saw me, and extended her hand, said "ma maaaa". I went to her, she grabbed my hand, I held her and she drank her milk.

We held hands and went upstairs. Ella asked me to lay beside her. I laid down. Ella gave me a squeezed face kiss on the mouth. Mimi had a late craving for hot milk and ba ba took her down again. I closed my eyes for a bit, then opened them, caught Ella looking at me, and Ella chuckled so cutely. I caught her a few times and she always chuckled so cutely. I thanked Ella for going on the carousal with me. She said "我们还骑了。。旋转木龙!" I agreed. When Mimi came up I thanked her too, she gave no response.


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