
I heard the girls waking up around 9 and I finally got out from bed at 10. The girls greeted me sweetly, especially Ella, looked much better after a week of sickness. She requested a story, I informed her there will be one after I clean up. Also afterwards we'll take a bath. Ella played in the bathroom and waited with me. After I cleaned up, Mimi said she wanted to go shower, I gladly agreed and started going up. Ella whined and said "我要讲故事。" I agreed I did promise, so I went to the table and asked her which story she'd like me to read. She got the 棉婆婆 story, but said "我自己讲。" And flipped the book by herself. Mimi came just when I asked Ella again if she'd like me to read a story. Mimi said "讲这个", got the book closest to her, threw it at me, said "白龙马!" I read the 白龙马 book Mimi threw at me. Mimi was pretty excited and followed my explode hand when the dragon turned into the horse. And criticized and hit all the monsters. Ella also joined in. After the story the girls gladly followed me to shower.

It was an easy shower, both girls didn't complain much when I laid them down to wash their hair. And stood nicely for me to wash their butts. The girls each had a squeeze bottle with them. They were very good and filling them with water and putting the cap on. They lost their bottles a few times during the shower, and the other helped find it. When I laid Ella down the wash her hair, she wanted to put the squeeze bottle cap on her tummy, and laughed when I put it there.

The girls had lunch. Mimi wasn't interested in the noodle and egg much. She said she was done eating, then said she wanted to drink milk. While milk was heating, she walked in circles around the empty dining area. I said I'll eat her leftover eggs. She said burstily "不可以。" She shuffled over slowly to her plate, took it, said "拿抖(走)。" And attempted to shuffle away.

Mimi got her milk. Ella threw her spoon on the ground. Said "我要喝奶。然后吃月饼。"

Ella ate more than Mimi. She finished ba ba's noodles and almost a yogurt mix. Mimi wanted "鸡头蛇圈" in her yogurt, and almost finished it. Although she didn't want any noodle. When I was making the yogurt mix. I got out the big container of yogurt. Mimi said "不是这个不是这个。我要蓝莓味儿的。" I informed her the flavor will come soon, and showed her the peach flavor, she said "我要桃子味儿的" sweetly.

After eating, Ella went straight to the blake tu on the floor, from last night where she slept, and laid on it. I moved her to the carpet area by the back door, put a blanket on her. She fell asleep soon after.

Mimi wilded cutely while I finished eating. Commenting "海豹的妈妈睡了。" Ba ba attempted to lead Mimi upstairs to sleep, I cleaned the dishes. After I'm done ba ba came down with Mimi. Mimi asked to go to 后院儿。 I informed her she could put on her clothes and shoes and we'll go, and pointed at the shoes by the front door. She said "不要去前院儿。前院儿坏!" I informed her we could go through the side door from the front to the back. She hesitated, but went to the stairs and tried to put on shoes. I helped her and we headed out.

She headed straight for the deflated Santa, commented on its deflation. She then headed to Tony's house. Tony seemed to hosting and people were leaving. I lead Mimi to see the deers at Frank's nemasis's house. Mimi was quite happy. She continued down the street, then suddenly said "我们回去吧。这是别人的后院儿。" I asked her where she'd like to go, she said "我要去自己的后院儿。" We started heading back on her sleigh.

We went all the way back home, and went to the back yard through the side door. Mimi requested I put down the table, which was standing on the side under the roof. She played a long time with the food, making different flavors of ice cream and serving to me. She then asked me to move things out of the way so she could read the oven, then put the ice ream on a pan into the oven to 烤。 She then moved on to cooking other things for hai bao, and transferring it places. I started reading my book. After a while she started asking "冰激凌呢。冰激凌不见了。huh?? 冰激凌不见了妈妈!" I asked her if it was still being baked. She went to the oven and found it, and chuckled. She then asked me to move the car to the front, because "我要推海豹。"

I got the car to the front yard. Mimi requested it to be "放在下边。" I put it by the garage. She said "不是。这里这里。" Ran towards the sidewalk and pointed. I put it there. She put hai bao in, happily pushed. She then challenged to push the car up the garage slope and down many times.

She then asked me to move the car onto the grass, said "放在坡上。" I asked what she intended to do, she said something about "海豹", "下坡". The grass proved to be hard to maneuver. After a few tries, she ran to the side of the house, where there was an N shaped wooden things. She requested me to "把车推到棚子里。棚子是车的家。" I pushed the car under it. Mimi examined it, said "好啦。" Then started walking away.

I followed her and we walked to Tony's yard. Mimi walked around, pointed at things and said "灯灯", "企鹅。" We then went to the side. She grabbed my hand and we did 平衡 on the stones by Tony's side yard. She then wanted to go across the street to look at the lights by the house. We did, then she wanted to come back. We came back to Tony's yard. Mimi walked around and played with things. I put on music and tuned out.

After two songs, Mimi started wondering around not talking anymore. I wonder if she would be tired, and asked if she'd like to walk with me. I held her hand and started heading back. I let her lead and she walked towards our house. We found deflated Olaf and flipped parts of its head. I then started heading back home. Mimi followed me. But suddenly stopped by our neighbour's house, and started slapping me when I approached. I waited for her a little, then decided to move the car to the back yard first. I moved it back, cleaned up the toys, and came back to a still tantrumming Mimi in the same spot. Ba ba came out now, and Mimi cried and went to ba ba. I noticed we've been out a little more than 2 hrs.

Mimi came in and laid on the 2nd step on the stairs. I went to the kitchen and found a stretching Ella. She was very sweet and smiley. I checked on Mimi and she had moved up one step and was laying horizontally on it. I went back and chatted with Ella some. I then went to see Mimi, she moved up yet one more step and was laying on it horizontally.

Mimi still didn't want to go upstairs. We decided to head to 85 to get some snacks, since it's close to 4. We loaded the car and went out. Ella was looking at the 怪大叔 book when we started loading the car, and requested to read it in the car. I sat with the girls and read. The girls then looked out of the window memorized. Ella suddenly yelled "好多燕子!" There were lots of da yan in a 人 formation flying away. I said they were flying to a warmer place. Mimi fell asleep after a while.

We got off the highway and drove by a line of trees by Costco. Ba ba said in English, that there were no leaves on the tree. Ella asked 爸爸在说什么。 I translated for her. Ella said "叶子都飞到了暖和的地方。因为要圣诞节了。"

Mimi woke up just when we got to 85. She was very cranky, so ba ba stayed in the car with her.

I shopped with Ella. She requested a sugar dusted bun, I asked her if she'd like a chocolate bun instead. She happily agreed. I got two, said one was for Mimi, Ella said "Mimi不吃。她哭闹。" We came back to the car and all ate. The girls got chocolate all over their mouth.

At Costco, I got Ella and went in the door. After a while ba ba came and said Mimi puked, and I should shop by myself. Ella and I shopped. She sat in the cart and was very good. I informed her today we were going to hunt for 柿子,and no 葡萄 because it made her puke. I wanted to buy some apples, Ella spotted some yellow apples and excitedly called "黄苹果!" I asked if we should buy them, Ella excitedly agreed. We then went to buy veggies, Ella saw pu tao by the veggies, and murmured something, but didn't request for it. After a little bit she said "找不到柿子。" There really was no shi zi, so I went on.

Ella started whining while I zoomed through the frozen section. I asked what was the matter, she said she wanted to see the "冻冰冰的螃蟹。" I pushed her there, she looked at it intently. She then wanted to see the "螃蟹腿", then "那边的。" She asked what those were, I informed her they were headless shrimps.

The check out lady was not happy with Ella in the cart, who crunched into a corner to make space, but for some reason the lady didn't like her. I got Ella and paid, then headed out. Ella asked for "冰冰。" I decided to get some because she was so good. We ate and went out to the car.

Ba ba informed me that bing bing might be too much for Mimi, who puked. I gave mimi some liquid and cereal. She really loved the liquid and I gave her some more. She puked all out when we went by the field. We cleaned up Mimi. She was very good and let me wash her hair without a shirt on by the sink, then redressed.

Mimi asked for hai bao, I took her to see hai bao in the washer. It was puked on twice. The girls both wanted to see hai bao. I got the ladder, they both stood on it and watched hai bao being washed for a while. When ba ba came back after taking off the carseat cover, Mimi asked to go to bed, ba ba took her upstairs.

After dressing Mimi, I found Ella on the floor on the blake tu, tucked herself into the blanket, and got a train and tucked in together. I took a video of her, and she got up, got another toy, and tucked herself, the new toy, which I forgot what it was, and the train all into the blanket. She was so good, so ba ba and I decided to make some chicken. Ella came to see what we were doing, and in the salt for us, and stirred a little. She then pointed at the spice box, said "要闻一闻。油o\/o\/o/". I opened a few bottles for her to smile. Ba ba continued cooking. She kept putting her nose too close to the openeing, so I stuck my thumb up, said she'll give it a thumb's distance beteween her nose and the bottle. She would then put her nose on my thumb, one hole kinda blocked, and sucked hard with the other. She always let out an "ahhh" after smelling.

Ella asked for "吃东西。" I offered oatmeal or yogurt mix. She pointed at the bread and said "要吃烤面包。" I toasted her one piece. Ba ba got it after it was toasted. Ella got it and put it on the table, then went away. Ba ba asked if she wanted to eat, Ella said "我不要烤面包。" Very lightly and sweetly, then went away.

I noticed the washer wasn't continuing, and found it broken. Ba ba wringed out the water, then I scooped out the water while ba ba rested his arms. There was not much rest since Mimi started crying. After a while ba ba brought down a Mimi looking sad, and reported Mimi wanted to see me, and she puked. I changed her pants, and she asked to see hai bao. I opened the dryer and she grabbed hai bao, then put it down, said "太湿了。把他烘干吧。" I put hai bao back in the dryer and turned it on. Mimi stared at it for a little bit and left.

Ella then came in and wanted to play with the water I was scooping out of the washer. I got some water in the pan, put it on the floor, and informed her I needed help dumping it in the bathroom, and asked if she could help. She put her hands on the sides of the pan, and said "妈妈你拿。" Mimi then came in and wanted to play with the water too. I asked her the same, she stared at the pan. I lifted the pan and asked the girls to help me, Mimi held the pan tightly with both hands and really helped me move it. Ella had one hand slightly on it and didn't put in any effort, but did walk with us all the way to the bathroom. I dumped the water, and went back to get more. The girls went off to play.

Ba ba and I gave the girls peppa while we cleaned and finished cooking. Then ate a drumstick each, then it was 9.

Mimi asked for hai bao. I led her to the dryer and showed her the hai bao. She grabbed it, said "太湿了。要烘干。" I put it back in the dryer, and started drying. Mimi flapped arms and whined "海豹海豹。" I got it out, Mimi said again "要烘干。" I asked her if she'd like a dry hai bao tomorrow, or wet hai bao today. She repeated "要烘干。太湿了。" I asked her to put it back into the dryer. She threw it back, then started making cry face. I gave her the hai bao, said please take care of wet hai bao, she hugged hai bao and left. Ba ba meanwhile cleaned up Ella, then took Mimi upstairs.

I went to get Ella. She was reading a book, upon my call stood up, went to the kitchen, pointed at the apples and said "我要吃黄苹果。" I informed her she'd have to brush again after eating apple. She repeated the phrase she'll brush after eating apple. I gave her the apple and she ate a bite, then spit it out. Said "不要皮。" I ate some skin pieces, and she started chomping on the apple. She looked kinda cerned, but continued chomping. I sat down, she stood up and sat on my lap. After a bit she said "我要晚安故事。" I asked her to pick a book. She said "ennn" and looked around the room. The 我找到了一顶帽子 book was on the floor, she pointed at it, said "我不要这个故事。妈妈找一小本故事。" I asked her what was a little book, she said "那个龙的故事。" I went and got the 怪大叔 story. We read together, she chuckled and was engaged, asking questions.

After I closed the story, Ella said "我还要一个晚安故事。" I informed her it had to be tomorrow, and asked if she'd like to eat more of her apple. She stood up, slowly gave me the apple, she ate a good 1/3. I got the tooth brush, Ella pointed at the changing table, said "爸爸给我刷了。" I informed her because she ate apple and had to brush. I brushed her, then she threw a tantrum. She called for ba ba, ba ba came to try to comfort her, she started crying for 妈妈 nonstop, but slapped at me when I was close. Ba ba showed her peppa on his phone, she threw the phone, ba ba slapped her. She then pulled on her shirt, cried "要lou lou." I gave her some lotion, and she calmed down. I asked her to go to bed with me, she held my hand, and walked into the kitchen.

She saw the toast she left on the table earlier, took one, and took a bite. She then asked whimpering "要热奶。" I asked her if she could brush her teeth after milk, she agreed. Ba ba heat some milk for her and she drank almost all. She then let me brush her teeth. Then she stood up, went to blake tu, and laid down.

I gave her a countdown to go upstairs. Ba ba asked her why she didn't want to go upstairs. After a while she said something about 楼上冷。 Then "我不是冷的地方的主人。" I said I'll lay with her to keep warm. She immediately stood up, grabbed my hand, and led me upstairs, all the way into bed. We laid together, she put her arm on my neck. She fell asleep in a few minutes, before I felt rested enough to go downstairs. I laid with sleeping Ella a little more, then went downstairs.


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