
Ella was very sick still and requested to go to bed when we came home. I led her to bed and tucked her in. Mimi requested noodle and watched ba ba cook. Lao lao apparently went to check on Ella, worried about she didn't eat and took her down. Ella refused to go upstairs again, didn't eat, and sat in lao lao's lap with her eyes batting. Mimi ate a few bites of noodle and went to look at books with Ella and lao lao. 

I got new books from the library so Mimi asked many questions. Half way through Mimi got distressed that lao lao only had Ella in her lap. She started rejecting me reading story too. I left. Lao lao as usual was naggy and unable to direct the girls energy. I finished dinner, then informed Mimi she had a count to 10 to decide whether to listen to story with lao lao and tuck lao lao in for the night. Mimi whined until 8, then said "我哭完了。" I read a different story about 怪叔叔 and she was more interested, very happy when the uncle farted to scare off a dinosaur. 

I then read a story about 咪咪兔和乖乖兔。 After 2 mentions of mimi tu and guaiguai tu, Mimi asked "Ella 兔呢?" So I changed the story to mimi tu and ella tu. After the first part of the story, Mimi said she wanted to tuck lao lao in, in a very cute calm tone. We then made our way upstairs, but Mimi got upset because lao lao only carried Ella. Lao lao chose to bring Ella upstairs, then came down and carried Mimi upstairs. 

Ella laid on the side of lao lao's bed while lao lao encouraged Mimi to put the blanket on her. Mimi whined about lao lao, I gave her a countdown, she put the blanket on lao lao, gave her a kiss. Ella then got up without anyone saying anything, and went to the bedroom, and laid down. Mimi sat on the guest bed and whined about lao lao. I tucked Ella in, and asked Mimi if she'd like to go watch a cartoon. She immediately stopped whining, walked all the way to me, grabbed my hand, and started going out. Ba ba felt left out, so I asked Mimi to hold ba ba's hand too. Mimi tucked her hai bao under her armpit, and grabbed ba ba's hand. 

We went downstairs and I setup pad. Mimi said "姥姥不给我看视频。" I informed her it was too late for lao lao's video, but my video was ok. We watched 2 episodes of peppa, then ba ba read the bad seed to her, then I read the 咪咪兔和乖乖兔,but with Ella tu. After the story ended, Mimi asked for milk. 

When we went into the kitchen, Mimi asked for 麦片儿粥。 She was so cute so I got some raw oatmeal for her, then she was so cute that I made yogurt mash for her. 35 minutes later (ba ba was angrily counting), Mimi cleaned up. A very easy clean up done by Mimi self. 

I asked her to change diaper. She bounced to the changing table, then said she wanted to go on herself but couldn't. I got a kid's chair for her, she refused to climb on, said "需要梯子。" I got the ladder, she happily climbed on. I changed her, she happily went upstairs and went to bed. 

After some time Ella started crying and wanted to drink milk. After some milk, she wanted to go upstairs. I changed her diaper. She tantrumed, said "我要臭臭" repeatedly. I pretend put back the dirty diaper. It appeased her, she laid down on blake tu, and said she wanted 在楼下睡。So we got the blankets and settled her downstairs. 

I went to check on Mimi. She seemed wide awake and requested "妈妈和我睡一分钟". Pet the guest bed and said "你睡这里吧". I went to get a blanket, when I came back to the guest bed, she asked "你拿到被了么?" I confirmed I did and we both laid down. Mimi said some cute things in the cutest voice. She then lifted her blanket and looked at it. I thought she was looking for hai bao for some time, but realized she was staring at the blanket. After a long time she said "这是猫。这个是猫猫。这是可爱的猫。" Repeated stating about mao in the lightest soft voice for about 10 times. I agreed it was hello kitty. She said "这是。。。。。。。什么猫。" She then pet my hand with the softest stroke, said in the softest softest littlest voice "好可爱啊。" I left her to walk Frank. She called for me to 盖被。 I did and she went down. 

I walked Frank. When I came back ba ba was cuddling Ella on the floor. He went up and did some work at the computer with me. We then went to clean up, when we heard Ella vomit. She puked a handful of grapes and clear liquid. I changed Ella while ba ba cleaned the floor. I gave Ella some water through a syringe. She drank a few sips, then said "喝够了。" I pretend gave the rest of the water to her bed bunny, she wiped the bunny's face. 


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