
In the morning Mimi stood at lao lao's door, repeatedly called for "姥姥", in the sweetest voice, with stretched lao laooo. After a minute of constant calling, lao lao came and walked her downstairs. Ella still feeling sick, laid in bed, ba ba read news while sitting with her quietly.

It was time to go to the car, the girls bawled. I downloaded a new episode of peppa, and 爷爷的小火车, that the girls loved and frequently requested. I showed Mimi ge te li de, Mimi gathered strength and went to the car. In the seat, she immediately asked "妈妈跟我坐吧。" And pet at the seat beside her. I sat in between the girls and played the train episode. Mimi was immediately intrigued. Ella cried and slapped at me. I asked if Ella would like to watch the new episode. She stopped crying a little and looked at me, Mimi enthusiastically said "想看。" I switched to the rocky beach episode. Ella was intrigued, while still sniffling. Zhu ye ye got a crab pinched on his finger, the girls cracked up, then it was a fun car ride with wild pinchy girls.

At daycare, Mimi said "海豹也想去幼儿园。" She did not whine like usual. I asked if she'd like to walk herself, she said "我要爸爸抱。" Ella whined and said "我要自己。" I got Ella, put coat on her, slowly walked with her towards daycare. Ba ba carried Mimi without coat and ran ahead. Ella stopped in the way, pointed at a huge salt chunk, said "这是什么。" I commented it was indeed a huge salt, Ella said "Ella发现了大盐块儿。是盐妈妈。" We got into daycare, Ella looked at crying Mimi, then pointed at the bookcase in the other room, said "我想妈妈跟我讲故事。" I asked her which book, she shuffled slowly to the bookcase, pointed at a miffy bunny book in korean. I described the pages, Ella sat cutely on the couch and listened. Mimi also came, sniffling a little. After I read the book, I offered the book to Ella, she took it on her lap and slowly flipped. James and I started leaving, the girls started crying. We left and saw two bawling girls from the window.

We had a fun DMV trip and car conversations for the afternoon break.

We came home in the evening. Lao lao had music playing on her phone. Mimi was wilding in her lap. Ella was laying on yellow duck on the hardwood floor in the kitchen by the back door, with her hands together under her head. Lao lao reported Ella had been laying down since she came home in the afternoon. She ate a little, puked a little, drank a little, puked a little. Ba ba and I bent down to pet and kiss her and ask how she felt. Mimi got up from lao lao and started wilding and telling me stories of how her 白龙马 had a worm in its tummy, ate its tummy so bai long ma hurts a lot, and the doctor pulled it out, one worm, but then it got a worm in its tummy again. While quickly running loops around the dining table. She suddenly said "你不可以停姥姥的音乐。你不要碰姥姥的音乐。" I agreed.

I bent down to kiss Ella, asked how 小人儿 felt. Mimi climbed on top of me, then scouted and fell head down onto the air vent, went clank very crisply. She struggled up, chuckled, said "二小人儿跌(emphasis)了。"

I read the 再过10分钟就睡觉 story. Ella got up from the duck and started listening. Mimi was very engaged, occasionally laid on my lap and looked up at the book. She liked to ask which number was which hamster. When the hamster cars came out, she kept pointing at each one and yelling "啊!我的车坏了!" I'm not sure if she remembered the little engine that could from yesterday.

Near the middle of the story I asked Ella which hamster was her favorite, she didn't answer. Mimi slowly pointed at the uniform announcer hamster, said it was her favorite. I asked if she liked the 蓝蓝广播ham鼠, she energetically repeated the lan lan guan bo ham shu was her favorite. Ella started pooping soon after. Mimi started pinching at the icecream truck and nom nom noming, I asked if Ella wanted some, Mimi pinched one for Ella, Ella softly nom nom nomed. Towards the end of the book I asked the girls which hamster was their favorite. Ella quickly pointed at a hamster on a banana boat. She then pointed at hamsters to go up a slide, then slide down.

Ella coughed too hard and puked a little on the way to the changing table. A chunk of grape came out. I took her to the changing table and started taking off her pants. She said "米粒儿老师呢。" I offered her the pad. I found orange in her poop, looked like some food did make it down. I asked her to drink some water. She refused at first. I paused the video and asked again. She gave a little sip, then a slightly bigger sip. I continued the video. Mimi was also brushed and changed, then both watched mi li lao shi by the window, very focused, repeated 一月二十六日。

James started night time music. Mimi immediately said "爸爸来吧。来看看白龙马。" Last night she tantrumed and ba ba let her watch bai long ma until she felt better before going upstairs. Ba ba stated bai long ma will wait for morning. Mimi hugged her hai bao and strutted around the room.

Ella grabbed my hand and led me upstairs. She didn't mind Frank running ahead of her. She went in the room, didn't mind the door was open, went to her bed and laid down. I tucked her in. She said "妈妈和我一起睡。" Just then Mimi came in, and continued "爸爸和我一起睡。" James and I laid down for a minute beside the girls. Ba ba then started saying his usual "明天在抱抱亲亲你" before getting out, just after he said ming tian, Mimi burstily said "爸爸和我一起睡!" Ba ba chuckled and kissed her. Ella said in the sweetest voice "妈妈你亲亲我吧。" I kissed her a few times, she said in the sweetest voice "晚安。" I bid her goodnight and started to leave. As I came to the door, Ella said "妈妈我不要oooo" with the squeakiest high voice. She held the piece of tissue paper up. I took it, she tucked herself in, I left.


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