
I put down water cup for Frank to drink. Mimi stood beside me, looked on. I was vigilant because she used to pour the water. She bent down, flipped her hand on top of the cup, said "把香藏(肠)放进去。" I asked if it was for Frank, she said "是的。吃吧。"

I read the little engine that could with the girls. All the engines had face inside the circle in the front, except when the strong black engine came, it had eyes on top of the circle, sticking up like snail eyes. Mimi said "问什么他的眼睛挂在这里。" I said yes why it was on top not in the middle. She then said quickly, "我帮你拿下来。带上。" Picked the eyes off and put them inside the circle.

Ella is still very sick. Snout flying out nonstop, took every chance to lay down. She gladly went upstairs for bed. Mimi tantrumed, ba ba took her outside to try to calm her down. Once inside the bedroom, I asked Ella if she'd like to see the stars outside the window. Ella said, with deep serious voice, "我想把门关上。不让狗进来。" I closed the door, asked if she'd like to see the stars, she agreed. I carried her to look out of the window. She said "圣诞节没有星星。" There was indeed no stars tonight. She said "因为圣诞节。星星都回家了。"


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