Lao lao reported the girls had a happy day. When they saw ma ma, Mimi said "no! no! no! no!", xiao E said "nononono". They tried to hide into lao lao. Ma ma inquired if they'd like to eat. Mimi stood up and extended her arms. She was sat and served cereals. She ate the cereals.
Lao lao hid away. Xiao E said "站站站" and lingered at the fence. She was noticed to stand on the ledge of the fence and stayed there silently. She was offered a lift to the high chair, she accepted. She was served cereals, she slapped them away, ma ma slapped her, she cried one long cry, said "妈妈不许哭", and started eating. She was corrected 妈妈不许扔. The girls had lots of ba ba's fried rice, lemon cake, and persimmons. Mimi collected juice on her head, from slapping herself to please ma ma. Xiao E collected rice under her chin, from drinking from the bib.
The girls were served a bubble bath with squirt bottles. They both washed ma ma's hair with bubbles.
The girls were served balls for entertainment. Mimi grew frustrated at manipulating the balls with 猴猴 and 盘盘. Mimi left many openings for xiao E to loot her 盘盘 and stack on top of xiao E's.
Lao lao hid away. Xiao E said "站站站" and lingered at the fence. She was noticed to stand on the ledge of the fence and stayed there silently. She was offered a lift to the high chair, she accepted. She was served cereals, she slapped them away, ma ma slapped her, she cried one long cry, said "妈妈不许哭", and started eating. She was corrected 妈妈不许扔. The girls had lots of ba ba's fried rice, lemon cake, and persimmons. Mimi collected juice on her head, from slapping herself to please ma ma. Xiao E collected rice under her chin, from drinking from the bib.
The girls were served a bubble bath with squirt bottles. They both washed ma ma's hair with bubbles.
The girls were served balls for entertainment. Mimi grew frustrated at manipulating the balls with 猴猴 and 盘盘. Mimi left many openings for xiao E to loot her 盘盘 and stack on top of xiao E's.
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