
When the adults came home the xiao ones already ate. Ma ma started snacking, but couldn't resist the cute xiao ones. So she went to kiss Mimi. Mimi turned her head away and said "Mimi不要吃饭".

Lao lao requested Mimi to tell ma ma what happened to lao lao's hand. Mimi said "疼". Whey asked why, Mimi said "猫猫咬", "破了".  Lao lao was bitten by lily on the weekend when she loaded her in the carrier. Lao lao reported she returned books with the girls, and let the girls put key in the car. So now the girls are interested in "还书", "开车", and "di di wooo".

Mimi whimpered for 抱抱. She was lifted out the fence. She said "Anessa" and pointed at Anessa's photos on the fridge. She was introduced to dancenessa, carnessa, cupnessa, ihopnessa, etc.

The girls were taken to story time. They were the only ones and teacher read two simple stories and sang many songs. Mimi danced well, touched her nose, knees, and toes. Danced with big steps, stumped hard, and swayed hard. Xiao E was more reserved, and paid more attention when listening. Teacher put 5 teddies on the table, and dropped each teddy to teach counting. When the teddy dropped, the girls went "oh!". Sometimes said "掉啦". Teacher did a super cute sleeping story, with little dolls and animals. In the story the girl can't sleep without her dolly, who can't sleep without her puppy, who can't sleep without her kitty, until the bed was full. The girls cackled every time teacher pulled a new doll. At the end there was a clown. Mimi picked it up and asked "这是什么?". The adults refrained from talking while teacher told the story. Mimi gave the clown to xiao E. Xiao E asked "这是什么啊?". The girls did the if you're happy and you know it song. They were too interested in the dolls on the bed to do the gestures. Until hooray time, then they both hooray'ed.

Teacher had crafts ready. The girls drew teddys. They helped adults "push" the dots on the teddy. They loved playing with "sticky" dots, and tapes. Lao lao was amused by the girls' newly learnt 是多碧梨. Teacher expressed empathy that daddy missed craft time and sent well wishes. The girls hugged assistant bear and bye'ed teacher. In the car ma ma said we're riding the car to.. Mimi said "hawaii".

Ba ba noticed Mimi was pooping. He asked Mimi what she was doing. Mimi didn't say anything. Xiao E was sitting on the ground reading a book. She continued looking at the book and said "da bian". She looked on the next page, and said "da bian". She flipped a page, and said "da bian". She continued to read and say "da bian" for a few pages.

Ba ba bye'ed girls to pick up gor gor. Mimi whimpered and hugged ba ba, saying "no no". Ba ba stayed for some pets. Then ba ba tried to bye again. Mimi said "NO! bu yao! bu gei!". She went to stand on ba ba, looked at ma ma, said "bu gei!", looked at xiao E, said "bu yao!".

The girls were asked to say bye to 猴猴 and 鼠鼠 before bed. On the way up the stairs Mimi said bye bye to many things, then "bye bye anessa".


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