
The adults left in the morning as Mimi woke up. Lao lao held Mimi.
Mimi: fink fink (the frank)
Lao lao: ba ba ma ma are leaving. Where are they going?
Mimi: 上班
Lao lao: shang ban for what?
Mimi: bye bye...
Lao lao: bye bye to ba ba ma ma
Mimi: byyyee

After work the adults got out of the car. The adults heard calls from lao lao. Ma ma ran to the xiao ones. They just ca,e back from a walk. Ma ma kiss attacked xiao E. Xiao E hid in her hood and was not interested. She had blackberry and was listening to ABCs. Mimi kiss attacked ma ma and happy bounced.

Lao lao: ba ba ma ma came home. From where?
Mimi: 回来啦
Lao lao: ba ba ma ma came from work. What are they working for?
Xiao E: 挣钱
Lao lao: zheng qian to do what?
Xiao E: 给ba ba吃
Lao lao: gei ella mimi chi

Lao lao prompted the girls to give the parents a report of what they saw on the walk. They said in unison "星星".

Dinner was messy. The girls ate well. Xiao E started squeezing the grapes. Ma ma asked angrily what she was doing. She said "拨皮". Then the adults noticed the tiny little skins xiao E has peeled off cutely.

At play time, some of the toys thrown out were lifted back into the play room. Xiao E picked up a clanker, said "ella的鼓在哪儿?" Looked around, and chucked the clanker. The drum was found by the adults. Xiao E took it and said "ella的鼓. 做饭! 做饭!". 

Ba ba reported when he put xiao E to bed, Mimi was standing in the corner of the bed, arms hung out like a gangster. She threw a sheep at ba ba. 


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