
Really early in the morning, mimi had a hard night. She was up and crying a couple of times. The previous night's play maybe was too wild for her. Who knows. Ella woke up first, and had milk and played around for a bit while mimi woke up. Then mimi woke up and drank some milk. They were in good spirits, so mama took them out for a walk.

Mimi refused to take ma ma's hand to come downstairs. She pointed at the leaves and said "扫叶叶!". She tried to sweep with her bare hands. So she was offered a good branch. Xiao E also flapped and said "扫地". She was also offered a branch. The girls swept and poked for mines and started walking.

When they got to mr 13708's house, they said "公鸡咕咕叫" and started exploring the yard. Poking at all the little trees and statues. They called the little stone stack "狗狗". Xiao E abandoned the long branch and picked up a small stick. She poked with it for a while. Then she threw it away and happily bounced to her long branch, said "大棍棍" and picked it back up. Mimi said "bye bye公鸡" when she left. Then started saying "WOW 好多灯灯nggg 好多ooo" and walked towards Mr. Tony's yard. She started counting. Xiao E joined counting. Then xiao E started to say "hi雪人儿" from far away all the way to the xue ren er. A neighbour was sawing wood. The girls stood still when the machine was on, staring intensely.

They loved poking the drain. Mimi was good at aiming her branch into a hole down the drain. Mimi's branch fell in once. The girls crowded at the drain 嗯ing quickly. It looked like xiao E was trying to poke out Mimi's stick.

The girls walked more. Mimi said "没有人儿人儿啦", and did her arms out shrug. Then she even seemed a little down. They she saw a little pumpkin on top of a big pumpkin at one neighbour's and was happy again yelling "大南瓜!". Xiao E joined and they both went wild for "大瓜瓜aa, 小瓜aaa瓜AAAA". It was decided that was the turning point and the girls were led back. Mimi said "bye bye 大瓜瓜AAAA", then quietly said "骑小瓜瓜". Xiao E went off on her own a lot exploring all the driveways. Mimi poked and babbled to ma ma. Xiao E took a rest at the usual resting place by Mr. Tony's fence. Mimi poked and bounced on. Mimi suddenly said "气球". There was indeed a green balloon flying away in the sky.

It started raining. The girls didn't seem to mind the rain. Xiao E tried to catch the rain as she walked slowly, still exploring each driveway. She fell behind. Ma ma called her, she ignored ma ma. Ma ma said we don't want jie jie anymore. Mimi stumbled back to look for Xiao E quietly murmured "jie jie". When Xiao E appeared Mimi cried NONONO.
Ma ma: what are you NOing for?
Mimi: ...
Ma ma: is there something you don't want?
Mimi: jie jie

After the girls came back inside, they started saying "爸拔在哪里". They saw ba ba sitting at the computer, but continued to say "爸拔在哪里" and wondered into the kitchen. They both went to play with the safety belt on the high chair. Mimi got bored first and went to explore. She saw some oranges. She took one, gave to ma ma and said "给妈妈一个". She went back and took another, gave to ma ma and said "再给妈妈一个". After more giving, the adults lost interest. Mimi took an orange and said "给妈妈", ma ma bu yao'ed. She then said "给爸拔", ba ba bu yao'ed. She then "给ella". Xiao E leaned and kissed the orange, then said "不要". Mimi then turned to ma ma and said "拨皮". She was ignored. 

It was time to get some lunch. The girls snacked in the car, had a good babbling ride. But at the pho restaurant ella had a hard time. She wanted to eat the garnish plate that comes with pho, but it's all raw, spicy, or sour, so dada wouldn't let her. She had a little meltdown, and it didn't relent when the food came out. So dada took her outside and tried walking around, but she wasn't very interested in that. Dada took her back to the car and found some car books to read. Ella pointed at the little pictures of items and called them out, and then noticed there was a guy in front of the car. His car didn't work, so someone came to help, so when she pointed at the items in the book she also pointed out the guy and the guy's car.

Ma ma stayed to clean up with Mimi. Mimi was eating the rice well, pinch by pinch. Occasionally she lifted up the plate and tried to drink the rice, and kissed little bites. Until she ate a clump of green onion and flipped out, slapped everything on the floor, reached to slap ma ma's plate.

Mama came out with packed food. The girls snacked more in the car, and had a good babbling ride. They were intriged by the string lights on the street in front of molly moon's. "球球", "灯灯", "积木", "什么啊".

At redmond town center, xiao E puddle stumped happily. The girls found the carousel that they missed the night before. This time they got a ride on it. Ella held on very tight on her horse while it bobbed up and down. Mama supported her, and she had a blast. Yelling "ella骑马AAAAA" at one point. Mimi did not like it at all, she did not hold onto hers and wanted down ASAP. Dada supported her and played with her a little bit, as she endured this terrible event. Finally it was finished, so the girls hopped off and wandered around the town center some more. Mimi said "骑马骑马骑马" while she bounce walked around. Xiao E went around stumping puddles. Until she was intrigued by the christmas balls in the shops.

Mama and dada went to get some bubble tea. At the shop, mimi and ella saw their little christmas display. It sat on the counter and had a moving train. They know how to say "snowman" in chinese, and pointed out the hats and scarves being worn by the little folks on the display. They squeaked when the train comes out of the tunnel. Xiao E was very interested in the dog bowl outside. She tried to grab the rain dripping into the bowl. Then went to massage the two bells on the door.

Afterward, the girls went home for a nice nap. Xiao E woke from nap first. She laid on the floor twisted and turned for a while while the adults relaxed. After the nap, mama gave mimi a shower while ella hung out with dada cooking dinner. Dada cooked some eggs for the girls, and put it on a plate for ella. She leaned in to smell it and she demanded a bite right now. Dada cut up a piece and gave it to her to eat. She took the fork from dada's hand, took a bite and handed him the fork for more. Dada sat her down in her high chair, and filled up her little bowl with eggs and a fork.

Mimi still disliked shower, but endured. She returned all the bath toys outside, and decided to splash the water by herself. She didn't like when ma ma splashed either, slapping ma ma saying no no. She also no no'ed ma ma putting on lotion. When asked what she was noing for. She looked at ma ma sternly and said "Mimi不要LOULOU".

Mimi finished her shower and also wanted some eggs and a fork, so dada helped her out. Mimi kept saying "给妈妈一个". But she wasn't giving anything, she wanted ma ma to fork one for her. Ma ma obliged.

After both showered, dada adjusted mimi's outfit by giving her a little scarf. They played a bunch with mama, and then we sang some rhymes. Dada sang "if you're happy and you know it" and mimi wanted to hear itsy bitsy spider next, but ella wanted to hear a different chinese rhyme instead. Dada doesn't know that one, so he did itsby bitsy spider, and mimi was so happy. Ella was dejected, and mama came in to help with the chinese rhymes for them. They got tired of dada's english rhymes.

The girls liked climbing the car slider toy. They called it "上楼". Mimi even called it "滑di" and tried to slide. Xiao E went really deep into the wires and she took a while to come out. While xiao E was trapped, Mimi would run to xiao E, say "敲鼓", and give her head a good slap.

The girls wanted to dance but wouldn't hold each other's hand, so ba ba came to the rescue and formed a family circle. The girls held mama and dada's hands and would rock back and forth. They would almost run into each other, but they loved this game of chicken. They laughed as they got close and the adults would pull them away form colliding.

Then we played a spinny game. Where we hold hands and move in a circle. Mimi would not hold ella's hand, so dada and ella would spin without her. She was sad, but still wouldn't hold ella's hand, so mama joined again and rebuilt the circle. After a bunch of spinning, it was time for bed.


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