
In a few occasions the adults noticed the girls asking "这是什么" in shy little voice.

The girls don't like shower. They protest scream every time ma ma picked up the shower head. Xiao E was protest screaming while ma ma was washing her. She suddenly stopped, said "洗肚肚" (her tummy was being washed), then continued screaming.

The girls were taken to a nearby memorial park. They walked up the stairs of the monument and looked at the statue. Mimi got to the top and saw the blue pool of water with the fountain streaming into it. She said "水!" and ran at the pool. Dada stopped her from diving in, since she can't swim yet. Ella walked up in a nice pace stair by stair with mama and Allison. Xiao E held Allison's finger so tight, refusing to let go after getting to the top. Allison asked her what's the meaning of this, xiao E didn't answer and dragged her to continue the journey.

Later that day, we went to pearl harbor historic site. Mimi and ella looked at the giant ships and pointed at the planes on them. Mimi twisted and turned on the stone chair while ba ba painted sunscreen on her. Xiao E got some lotion from ma ma, said "ella low low擦肚肚", and wiped on her dress on the chest. She asked for more low low, ma ma gave her some and directed her to low low her arm. There was a ring of memorial stones in a circle. The rain made puddle in front of each of them. Xiao E went from each stone trying to touch the puddle. Dada followed her and said "no ella" each time. Xiao E would stand up and run to the next one and squat down. Dada would say "No ella" and then she would move onto the next one. We went around a ring of 10 of them doing this. Xiao E was riding ba ba, the wind blew, xiao E said "飞了!". She flung her arms up, then threw them back hard, and made the most tightly pinched 9 hand pose behind her back.

Later that night at dinner, the girls were super good. There was a nice corn and fish dish that they both loved eating. Ella would put one piece of corn on her spoon and then eat it with the spoon. When she was done she transferred everything into a bowl one piece at a time. They ate a lot of food and were really friendly to all of their aunts and uncles. They played with them, high fived them, gave them some kisses.

Mimi was playing with Jackie. Xiao jiu gong came, pointed at Jackie and asked who was this? Mimi was silent for a few seconds. Xiao jiu gong said表叔, Mimi was silent, ma ma said 哥哥, Mimi was silent. Then Mimi said "Jackie".

In the car, Mimi randomly started saying "hawaii". When asked where did we fly to? Mimi gave the cutest toothy smile and said "ha why yiii".

The girls were playing in their playpen when xiao jiu gong came in. He asked the girls who he was, the girls said "舅公".

Xiao E's night murmur included "Ella摸猫, Mimi摸猫, ma ma摸猫, ba ba摸猫, 好猫."

The adults turned off the light. Then Mimi murmured "Mimi大便". Mimi indeed was pooping.

The girls babbled in the playpen for a long time. Xiao E said spider like "si pai diiaaaaa". The adults couldn't tell when she said "晚安啦" or "喂ella".


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