
This morning was auntie's wedding day. Went to great uncle's house to get some breakfast and the long ceremony had already started. Mimi and ella ate some noodles and watched all the dressed up aunties and uncles take photos and celebrate. Mimi and ella worn nice little dresses that great auntie gave them.

Xiao jiu gong offered to take the girls to "看车车" during many occasions. The girls refused by saying "BU YAO!". Then jiu gong offered xiao E his car keys, xiao E was tempted. Jiu gong asked what the object was, xiao E said "ella的钥匙". While xiao E was examining the keys and trying to find button, she was swiped by jiu gong. Jiu gong took her to see the cars downstairs. Xiao E saw a flag on one of the cars and said "旗". Xiao E was asked to do her driving dance, she didn't do it, but gave a troll smile.

Mimi accompanied ma ma to the bathroom. When ma ma was peeing Mimi yelled "ma ma 尿". Company in the room laughed. Mimi yelled louder "MA MA NIAO NIAO". Luckily Mimi did not announce when ma ma da bian.

After that, it was time to head to a temple for the ceremony. Ella fell asleep in the car and slept all the way on the walk to the temple. Once inside, dada tried to put ella down on a bench to sleep more comfortable and she woke up angrily. Mimi was taking some photos with mama in the corner of the ceremony chamber. Once the ceremony started the wedding party walked in and mimi and ella were distracted. They announced their intent constantly to a quiet room. "Mimi下来", "Mimi走". Mimi was removed from the room. Xiao E was quiet and ba ba left her in ma ma's arms and removed Mimi. But once ba ba made her way out xiao E yelled "BAAABAAA MIIIMIIII ZOOUUUU". Xiao E was removed form the ceremony.

The girls wilded outside the room for some time. They spied on all the lockers and pulled all the table clothes. They were taken downstairs. 

In the temple, there was a lot of stone statues of monks in various poses. Mimi and ella touched the small stone monks, high fiving the open handed monks and fist bumping the closed fisted monks. They found some ping pong balls laying around, so they were throwing them around the little statue area. They chased the ball as it rolled but it skittered when they got close to it. Also both of them would scramble for the same ball creating a traffic jam and some conflict. Fortunately there were enough balls to mostly avoid conflict.

The adults informed the girls the balls are xiao ren ren de. Sometimes the girls would return the balls. Mimi would pick up a ball put it in one hand, pick up another ball, put it in the same hand, pick up another ball, try very hard to put it in the same hand, eventually dropping them all. The girls were informed one of the open hand xiao ren ren was offering them food. Then pinched food from xiao ren ren's hand. The adults inquired what food it was. After a lot of asking, Mimi suddenly said "肉". Monk xiao ren ren bad! Mimi was noticed to say "一个", "一口".

The ceremony was over, and it was time for lunch. The girls ate some nice vegetarian food, but they didn't like most of it. They really like grapes though, and mostly ate that. Ella was putting little grape pieces on her fork and slowly eating them. Mimi was pinching them off her plate. Xiao E would pick up a grape from the plate. Move it to the bowl. Try to fork the grape. Until Ba ba forked it for her. 

The girls came back for a nap. They were too excited to be back. Xiao E found tu tu and started dancing and waving at Mimi. Mimi went and found her tu tu too and swiped at xiao E wildly. Ma ma took off xiao E's hu die jie. Mimi tugged at hers and took it down too. Then xiao E tugged at the little hello kitty's bow saying "hu die jie". She was informed the hu die jie was a part of hello kitty and not removable. The adults left and said "bye bye". Mimi "bye bye"'ed with her tu tu sweetly. Then said "good night". Xiao E started crying. Ma ma came to pet her. Xiao E's cry abruptly stopped, she turned and pointed at ma ma and said ma ma baja baja. She then played quietly. When ma ma stood to leave. Xiao E started crying again. She was eventually offered binky. Mimi didn't fuss, she stood and watched. She was laid down. She held tu tu close and said "tu tu不给妈妈". Ma ma offered her an additional little hello kitty that xiao E threw into her playpen. She hugged both tightly while laying on the long cat, and gave ma ma the sweetest xiao smile.

The girls went to evening reception. The girls were overwhelmed but managed to sit for two hours. They were offered gummy candy. Xiao E poked gummy with chopstick and ate piece after piece. Mimi swiped around with her chopsticks and almost hit a row of people. They played with the wedding favors, put the paper on their head for hat. Mimi loved peeling off the ferror candy's bottom, and then she would keep the bottoms and give ma ma the candy ball. Two hours was the limit, the girls happily played outside but upset when led back into the dining room. The girls were taken back to xiao jiu gong's. 

The girls were happy during the car ride, and back at xiao jiu gong's. They finished their evening routine and went to bed. Xiao E cried again, she was petted. While petting, ma ma heard Mimi say "Mimi 看 ella". Ma ma turned to see a Mimi face pressed hard into the mesh on the side of the playpen, her tummy laid on chang mao, staring at xiao E. Mimi then stuck her butt in the air and said "屁股". Ma ma was afraid it was poo. But Mimi just kept saying pigu and wiggled her butt in the air. When asked if she's sleeping on chang mao, Mimi switched to say "chang meow chang meow kehaha" repeatedly. She was left alone. 

Ba ba heard much chatter and checked on the girls. Mimi was rocking at her crib, she rocked forward hard, then backward hard, then fell, then cackled.

The adults got ready for bed. Mimi saw ba ba's phone light. Said "手机亮灯", "开了".


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