
The girls performed wild seaweed eating. Xiao jiu gong would give the girls a pack of seaweed, the girls would say "紫菜". Jiu gong would ask if the girls wanted zi cai. The girls would never answer, but stare intensely alternating between jiu gong's eyes and jiu gong's zi cai. Jiu gong would extend his hand a little, and the girls would swipe the zi cai pack from jiu gong's hand, and immediately turn to ma ma to say "ma ma 打开". Mimi ate each seaweed by holding onto the short end and stuffing the stripe into her mouth in one push. Xiao E held the long ends and bit the middle, splitting each piece into three, she would eat the middle, the left hand 1/3, then the right hand 1/3.

In the car to da jiu gong's. Xiao E held ma mas hand and said "ibydai" repeatedly. Splitting two of ma ma's fingers and alternated putting them up and down. After a while ma ma noticed she was saying "itsy bitsy spider".

Went to da jiu gong's house for breakfast. Some nice noodles and sauce, but the girls didn't like it that much. They were shy around all the new people and didn't want to sit at the table. Instead they sat on the side and stacked the little stools. The girls would say "ella的凳凳", "mimi的凳凳". And sometimes fought over the stools. Both wanted the deng deng with the umbrella cat. The girls didn't fight too much, they were alert when people walked around. The girls were offered some cookies and sponge cakes as big as their faces. They put on uncle's baseball cap and looked really sharp, backwards and forwards. Da yi po gave them some red packets so they played with them. Mimi received the hong bao and immediately said "gei ma ma" and gave to ma ma. Mimi learnt "红包", waved the red pakets around singing "hong bao".  Uncle tried to claim them and they said "BU GE" and wouldn't give it up. The girls picked up the xiao deng dengs as shields when people came around. They would only "gei ma ma"  the hong bao. Then took them back. Mimi would carefully stuff one in her hand, then one more on top, making sure she held onto them tight, then one more.

The girls were then taken to sand island. It was a good amount of sand so we took a little walk on the beach. Mimi and ella threw sand in the air and rocks into the ocean. They tried to throw the rocks like ba ba but the rocks would just fall by their feet. Mimi wanted to rush into the waves, she was held back. Xiao E was more cautious, flung her arms around wildly and said "玩儿水,拍水".

The girls were taken to the mall for some food. On the drive the girls said "好多人". The adults realized it was black friday. It was super busy, so it was just a nice walk around the area. On the walk one of the cars had a little frank look alike riding in the front seat, looking out of the window resting on its little paws. The car was stuck in traffic and it would pass the girls, then the girls would pass it. The girls went wild for the gou gou when they walked by. The mall had many flags, Mimi said "好多旗", "国旗", 好多国旗", "旗飞", "飞", "Mimi飞".

Lots of people and the girls were a little afraid of all the foot traffic. They preferred being held through the bustling shops instead of walking themselves. Mimi said "好多人", "好多人走", "走路", "Mimi走", "Mimi下来". But when put down she would run in front of the adults stretching her hands and hugging legs. When asked if she'd like to be picked up, she would just say "en en en" cutely and urgently. Mimi walked a little by herself when the crowd was not too thick. She walked with her arms flinging up and down.

The girls were taken to a ramen place. On the ground the adults recovered a pen. Mimi got to the pen first and started "画笔" nonstop. Xiao E wanted the bi and did air grabs to no avail. Xiao E said "Mimi 偷", when inquired "偷什么", she answered "偷笔". It was a long wait and the girls did many cute things. Unfortunately the server forgot the order so the girls were taken away to search for more food. 

There was lots of buses and cars. Xiao E went crazy "开车" flinging her arms up and down like she was turning the wheel. 

The adults got some nice pastries, and sat down in a shop and chomped away at the buns. Then it was home for a nice nap.

After nap, the girls got a nice little shower. After showering, we watched some videos of moana while cutting nails and brushing hair. We moved onto some little mermaid under the sea, and when the lobster bangs away on the clams like drums, ella flailed her arms whacking imaginary drums too.

It was time for a nice family dinner at a restaurant. Lots of people there in a traditional style chinese meal. Mimi and ella really liked the seafood soup dish, ella would drink spoonful after spoonful. Mimi ate a little bit of everything. Some meat, some veggies, some soup. Ella was mostly done after the soup and was kind of fussy with all the people. Luckily mama saved a custard bun from the morning so ella ate a bunch of that. And we had red bean soup for dessert, and ella also really liked that.

The girls got back to xiao jiu gong's and was more free. Xiao E took some candies out of the peanut bowl. When she was asked to put back the candies, she couldn't stuff them underneath the peanuts like they were. She wouldn't let it go. The adults stuffed for her, only after that she moved on to evening routine.

When Mimi watches the 大王叫我来巡山 video, one of the scenes is a bird slapping another bird on the butt. When Mimi sees it she says "打鸡鸡".

When xiao E hears , she said "猴猴哭". Because she remembered in the video it was a monkey riding the donkey, fell, and saddened.


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