
Today was a trip to Lansing, Michigan's capitol. We went out and uncle Gordon directed us to a nice bakery and bubble tea shop. We ate our pastries at the bubble tea shop, with the girls wilding around and playing. Mimi and uncle Gordon sat at a table brokering a deal. Ella was playing peek-a-boo behind the chairs and the couches.

After being stuffed with food, we checked out the art museum across the road. It was a weird museum with some strange pieces of art. The entry way was covered in spaghetti wallpaper. The girls didn't take much interest in the art but instead liked the trips up and down the elevator. Unfortunately most of the museum was closed due to renovations, so we left after a short tour and played outside. It was chilly so we went back to the car to go to the capitol building.

We parked outside the building right by the girl's favorite thing, a tree with a pile of fallen leaves. We went into the leaves and uncle Gordon and dada ambushed the girls with handful after handful of leaves. Mimi and Ella were plopped onto the ground and buried in leaves. After the leaf battle it was time to go toward the capitol building. We found the steps and took some nice photos and went inside.

Once inside, we showed up right in time for a tour of the building! We went on the tour and the girls got a nice bit of history of the place. Ba ba was abused a lot by a rider Mimi. Mimi pulled at baba's hair and jerked back and force. She leaned too much once and almost did a back flip. She was saved by Gorgor.

The girls sat around the senate and representative halls and looked down at the desks. They saw the nice decorations inside and pointed at the gold and platinum stars in the ceiling. They were too wild to stay still during the talks so they were running around. During one part of the tour Mimi tried to sneak through the balcony bars to her demise, but luckily mama was paying attention and warned dada. During the final bit of the tour Mimi and Ella found a nice lectern and had fun presenting with dada.

Afterward we walked back to the car and came back home. We stopped by the restaurant to visit Grandma and Grandpa and get a snack before heading to the house. Ella and Mimi got caught up on their missed kitty chasing and chased the kitten across the house. We ate some dinner and read some books. Mama and the girls played putting different shaped blocks in the matching holes. Mimi and Ella were practicing their matching skills. After some eventful play, a strange surplus of poopy diapers, and milk, it was time for bed.


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