
Peeplode bad. super cute clothes good.

Grandma brought the girls to the office after work so we could go get dinner together. Grand ma ma reported she obtained grand pa pa's phone for the girls as music player. Mimi was the holder of music player the whole day, with xiao E following around. In the car Mimi fell asleep, grand ma ma pass the music player to xiao E. Mimi was not pleased after waking up empty handed. The girls waited in the lobby. Xiao E guarded the music player obsessively. Mimi en and wei wei'ed the reception phone.

To dough zone for dinner. Xiao E did not eat. Mimi chomped some dumplings, rejecting the skin and demanding yao rou rou. They chomped one half jian bao. The girls drummed with kuai zi, sometimes rhythmly sometimes wildly in their own hair. Mama and dada feasted on the remaining stuff and then we went to wander the nearby mall.

At the mall, we entered through Joann the fabric store. Mimi found a stuffed bear rack and wanted to hug a bear. Mama grabbed a bear out and gave it to mimi. Ella saw this bear and ran all the way to mimi and asked to hold the bear too. They hugged the bear together and we returned the bear to the display. Mimi demanded yao bing gan looking at a cooking sheet box. Xiao E demo'ed her counting. yi er san, wu, liu qi ba, jiu, shi ge gou gou. We passed by a nice bakery and tried one of the samples. Mimi and ella wolfed down the sample, so we bought a bun for them to eat. We sat down nearby and fed the girls the nice bun. They sat in their chairs happily nomming. We continued through the mall and found a giant chess board. Ella and mimi spent a bunch of time organizing the pieces creating a pawn battle. We got a little library and found the children's computers. Ella saw it and ran at the computers squealing. Mimi and ella sat down and watched some informational videos about animals. Mimi saw a newt and called it a frog, that's close enough. When mimi saw the slug in the video, she got very confused about what it was. She called it apple, bread, noodle, lots of random things. When the cute puppy video came on, the girls went WILD and yelled out DOG DOG DOG DOG in mandarin. Disturbing the other library guests, it was time to leave.

Wandered into a daiso to examine their snacks. Mimi was on dada's shoulders and she wanted to come down. Dada wasn't obliging so mimi grabbed dada's hair, thrashed, and then wildly pulled at it.  Xiao E was mesmerized by all the poky tiao tiaos. Xiao E called bear and sheep, and ma ma noticed the cookie cutters of bear and sheep shape.

At home, the adults tried to finish left over milk using the fast drinking Mimi. Xiao E started "ku". She even gathered some tears, and with one announcement of "ku", one xiao tear fell from each eye. She was then distracted by qiu qiu. 


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