
Grand ma ma reported Mimi likes playing with the beach ball and the target ball alternatively calling them "大球" and "小球". Ma ma asked Mimi where's the xiao qiu, Mimi yelled "小球" and pointed at the beach ball. Ma ma asked where's the da qiu, Mimi yelled "大球" and pointed at the target ball. Ma ma inquired what's the exercise ball, Mimi quietly said "大球" and looked away. Ma ma inquired what's the target ball, Mimi yelled "大球". Ma ma inquired if the exercise ball is da qiu, why is the target ball also da qiu, Mimi looked at ma ma, and yelled "大球". The adults tried to teach Mimi "中球", Mimi said it for a little bit.

The girls were taken to story time, but no story time. The girls ran some errands with the adults. Xiao E was not very happy, sometimes whimpers sometimes screams. Sometimes murmuring "mimi", sometimes yells "MIMI". When we stop she would say "到了". She was not allowed out and she would produce her desperate yell. 

At home, dada wrestled with the little girls, crawling away from them while they piled onto him. He shook them loose and then they would climb and laugh again. Mimi and ella love the winnie the pooh plushy. Dada holds it in the air and says "winnie.... the....." and the girls say "POOH" and dada throws it at them and they laugh. They would run around and wait for being struck with the plushy laughing. Xiao E would yell "不给" and "不要" while running around.

They also fought a lot today. Ella prevented mimi from putting away the toys in the box. When mimi came close she would push her away or try to bite her, saying "不可以", "不给". Vicious little ella. They also got in a tug of war with a blanket. Ella remains victorious. Mimi distracted herself with tu tu. Xiao E went after the tu tu. Mimi ran to mama and cried, but noticed the camera. She picked up camera, but was confiscated by the adults. Mimi ran to tu tu and cried. 


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