
Tonight the girls played with a new box of legos, but this time lego brand legos. Giant ones. Mimi and ella stacked blocks together in a giant tower with some dada assistance. Ella was standing up tall and putting blocks high on the peak. Mimi was helping dada construct the spire. Once the tower was completed the girls marveled at the construction and then mimi smashed it all down. It was a little mimi ordeal.

Dada took the pieces and built a little lego person for the girls. Mimi and ella did their own block stacking with mama. Mama came to examine dada's construction and she accidentally broke it. She helped reassemble it. Dada went to explore the girls's and ella came and destroyed dada's construction. She chucked the arm off and clocked dada right in the face, cutting his lip. Dada cried and ella and mimi ignored him.

Mimi and ella put away the blocks. Mama sang some rhymes for the girls and they danced to her singing. Ma ma sang old mcdonald had a farm. Xiao E always think on the farm there is a "dog". For the song ma ma took the little patch of grass toy with the little animals with the little stick under them to stick on the grass. Every verse ma ma gave an animal to a xiao one. Mimi was so fast sticking the animals on the grass her grass had all the animals. So xiao E began taking animals from Mimi's grass. Mimi was distraught. Xiao E had a hard time putting animal on her grass, but enjoyed taking animals from Mimi.


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