
Mimi and ella wouldn't eat much dinner. They had some bread and an orange, but they wouldn't eat anything else. Mama and dada prepared so many nice things, some chicken, some persimmon, some crackers, but they wouldn't eat any of it. They ate a little bit and were cleaned up for play.

Mimi and ella cleaned up the toy room so we could bust out some new toys. More accurately, mimi helped dada put away the toys and ella rocked away on her rocking horse supervising. Mimi also picked up the little scooter and brought it to the scooter corner too, she tidied up so nicely. After putting everything away, it was time for some lego play time!

Mimi stacked three tiny blocks in a tower and proclaimed "HAO GAU", mandarin for "SO TALL". Dada helped her stack it higher and higher and when it got wobbly it collapsed. Mimi and ella cackled as it fell. Mimi would rebuild the tower and slap it down, cackling. She did this several times in a row and laughed so hard. Mimi eventually settled down a little and quietly arranged her tower.

Ella was in a separate pile of legos and stacking blocks on a little car. Ella and dada organized and built a different tower together. Slowly and steadily, they built a nice sturdy tower on that little car. After using up most of the blocks, ella scooted the car away into the corner. She then disassembled it and brought chunk by chunk back to dada to play. Mimi went over to it and her destructive urges took over.

The container for the legos has a little clear plastic section, so dada put it on his head like a little astronaut. Mimi and ella played peekaboo with dada through the helmet. Mimi put on the helmet and ella tried to spy on mimi through the face hole. Mimi took it off and ella wanted to wear the helmet. Ella put it on too and mimi spied on her through the face port too. After taking it off, they put the legos back.

They weren't ready for bed yet, so mama started singing some songs for them. Itsy bitsy spider was the first one, and mimi and ella do the hand motions with it. After finishing mimi would ask for "itsy bitsy" and put her hands together with the fingers, so mama did it again for her. Mama did a couple rounds of "if you're happy and you know it" and the girls would clap their hands, stomp their feet, raise their hands for hooray, and then spin around. They loved spinning around, they spun around so much even after the songs are done. It looked like ella was getting dizzy, she got a little wobbly and bumped into the elephant. We also did some patty cake and the girls wave their arms around wildly during roll it.

It was getting late so time to clean and brush them, get them ready for bed. ZZzzzzZzzzzz....


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