
Today we went to dimsum with grandma and grandpa. Mimi and ella sat down and played with some chopsticks until the dishes came. They snacked a little on some cheerios. Mimi liked the shu mai, loved the steam buns. Ella loved the buns, ate one and a half steamed buns by herself. Mama ordered a stinky durian pastry and ella sneakily took tiny bites. Mimi wasn't really into it, it was stinky but sweet and creamy. Ella eventually stuffed the quarter durian pastry all into her mouth, then tried to fly away from the durian stuck to her hands. The girls played peekaboo with the table cloths. Xiao E fiercely defended table cloths from Mimi plays.

At a nearby asian grocery store, ella and mimi found child-sized shopping carts and roamed the shop with grandpa and grandma. They found each other in the frozen section, rammed the carts together and cackled with laughter. Ella followed grandpa around with a shopping cart while he looked for sauce. Ella lost sight of grandpa, how will grandpa bring the sauce to checkout without a cart? When ella found grandpa, mimi was already there with her competing cart. Mimi saw mama, abandoned her cart, and ran to mama. Cart claimed, cart abandoned. Dada took all the things to checkout.

After shopping, ella wanted to ride the elevator, so grandpa and grandma took the girls to the elevator. Mimi and ella rode it up and waved at mama and dada. On the way down, mimi got scared and started crying and banging at the window. Once the elevator came all the way down, mimi ran all the way around to dada to give him a hug.

The adults left the girls for a bubble tea run. They came back finding the girls stuffed with watermelon and no nap. Grand parents reported Mimi cooked with her little spoon and was feeding grand parents. The girls were asked to feed more. Grandpa put on some old looney tunes cartoons for the girls to watch. They pointed at the cartoon animals and laughed when the mice fell. Mimi learnt dough kneeding with grand ma. Mimi learnt "bao jiao zi", when asked who will eat the dumpling, Mimi said "MIMI", then "lao lao", after some prompting, "EIYA". Some cute play and it was time for a nice nap.

After nap, the girls were pretty fussy. So back to the cartoons for a little bit. Ella sat in grandpa's lap and watched. Grandpa fell asleep with a little ella watching the show. It was time for dinner, grandma made dumplings. Ella would only eat the dumpling skins at first and mimi would only eat the dumpling meat. After about 8 dumplings the girls got sick of it and moved onto fruit. They ate lots of juicy watermelon, so juicy that it got under their chins and needed some extra scrubbing.

After dinner it was time to head home. Another car trip without nap. The girls babbled and babbled. At one point xiao E vaguely said "ma ma zuo che, mimi zuo che, eiya zup che, ba ba che che". Mimi was rage when we almost exited the high way. She continued to rage at home through milk, brush, and some rage play. Xiao E babbled and played on happily. Until diaper change time, xiao E grabbed a handful of poop, rage ma ma screamed at xiao E, turning her into a tearful xiao baby. Some kisses soothed her, and off the bed.


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