
In the morning grand ma ma was taken to get finger print. The girls were taken along. They arrived at the office. There was an old cassette player on the ground. The girls started en en the buttons. All the way until grand ma ma's appointment was done. On the way out the girls saw a big bird on the parking light and went wild laughing.

Grand ma ma reported xiao E started feeding Mimi apple today. Grand ma ma got some super cute videos. Not on footage was Mimi saying "xie xie jie jie" after receiving a bite.

After work we took the girls to story time. We got to the library and held the girls and walked through the rain. Mimi wanted to come down and splash around in the puddle, but we didn't have the right boots for it. Xiao E reached a puddle and "da shui"'ed a little before ma ma caught her. Once we got into the library, they sat down and prepared to listen to story time. Mimi and ella took turns sitting in front of mama and the other one would run around and explore the stuff in the room. Dada kept grabbing the stray toddler and reining her in. Their favorite song is "if you're happy and you know it". They clap their hands, stomp their feet, spin around, shout hooray. Mimi would do the whole ritual with the teacher today. Ella laid in dada's lap and dada moved her arms and feet to the song and she giggled the entire time. One of today's mystery boxes had a seal, when teacher pulled it out, the girls approached it in unison, teacher reminded them play time was after story time. Another one of today's mystery boxes is a snail, when teacher pulled it out, the girls approached it in unison, teacher reminded them play time was after story time.

After the stories, it was craft and play time. Mimi sat on the teacher's chair and played with the boxes and the contents of the little boxes. She would open the boxes, close them, and stack them. Ella sat and read a book quietly with mama.

At home, mimi would take a book, mama would tell her about the "chang jing lu" which is long neck deer (giraffe) and mimi would call it "mei hua lu" which would be cherry deer, sometimes murmuring like "mei guo lu", american deer. Mama would ask her "where is the chang jing lu" and mimi would point at the giraffe in the book and say "mei guo lu". Ella called "hua lu" which is flower deer. Ma ma confirmed with grand ma ma this is the term grand ma ma preferred.

Mimi and ella were playing peek-a-boo with a book and laughing. But ella took the book and mimi started to rampage. Ella also counter raged and tried to bash mimi with the book. By the time mama got her phone out to record the cuteness it had degenerated into a brawl. It was late so time to suit up the girls in their cozy pajamas and get them to bed. The pajamas have little buttons right under the chin and when dada tries to clip the button he pokes their collarbone a little. They giggle each time, so dada makes sure to push it extra to make sure the button is connected.


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