
Today was the final full day of the michigan vacation. We woke up and went to a nearby park that dada used to go to as a child. It was still wet from rain at the park and there was large playground. The girls ran to the swings and begged to be placed in the little buckets. Mimi nonstop said "qiu qian, bao bao". Ba ba wiped it clean and installed Mimi. Ma ma was reluctant, but xiaoE nonstop said "qiu qian, bao bao". Xiao E was also installed. Ba ba played on the slide, with wet butt ba ba decided it was time to explore more. The girls crossed a river via a bridge and went to a nice open field section of the park. Mimi scouted a head, marching through the swampy grass. Ella followed with mama and dada. All shoes were wet except Mimi's. Finding the other playground, the slides were too wet to play on. Xiao E was persuaded off the slide. Mimi started landscaping. Mimi reluctantly was persuaded away from landscaping. We trekked back to the car. To grand parents' house for a chang eout of wet butt and wet feed. Then to grandma and grandpa's restaurant for lunch.

We ate lunch with grandma and grandpa, it was less busy. Grandma and grandpa got a chance to play with the girls more. Mimi and ella became more accustomed to grandma and grandpa and let them hold the girls. After some food, it was time to go to visit great grandma again.

After the nice drive, the girls napped some more in the car before going into great grandma's house. Once inside, the girls were still a little sleepy and fussy to say hi to great grandma. Great grandma knows how to break them out and got a couple of bananas. She fed the girls bananas and they were happy. The girls again started exploring rooms in the house, opening cabinets, and pulling things out. They played a bit with great grandma very nicely and then it was time to get some lobster. The girls liked the da shui chong's. They were taught da chong chong, but put shui in there. And then it was time to visit uncle bill.

At uncle bill's house, we met a giant cat named mr kitty. The girls were very interested in this behemoth. They chased him around and he waddled away to the corner. Uncle bill brought out some toys for the girls to play with, toys he has for his nieces. There was a musical guitar that seemed to play endlessly when the girls pushed the buttons. There were a marble rail construction toy, where you could build a contraption and send marbles through it. The mimi and ella were not that interested in it though. After some chaos with uncle bill's toys, we put them back in the box and returned home to eat dinner with grandma and grandpa.

We had a late dinner with grandma and grandpa, and they fed us some tasty food for the last dinner. Since it was late, the restaurant was pretty quiet so the girls could explore the dining room. They chased dada around the dining tables trying to catch him. Mimi and ella navigated the table maze running and cackling. Mimi and ella danced to old chinese pop music with Grandpa, dada, and uncle gordon. It was a late night, so time to go home and get to bed!


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